Strategic Materials
Official website of the Defense Logistics Agency ... Material Description Beryllium (Be, Z=4) is the 44th most abundant element in the earth''s crust.
Official website of the Defense Logistics Agency ... Material Description Beryllium (Be, Z=4) is the 44th most abundant element in the earth''s crust.
Minerals and Their Uses. Every segment of society uses minerals and mineral resources everyday. The roads we ride or drive on and the buildings we live learn and work ...
While it is interesting to see how to identify or classify minerals, perhaps it is more important to find out why a mineral is useful to man.
Interested in knowing what is mica and the uses of mica then contact adhunikudyog. This company has skilled experts that will give detailed information about ...
Fluorite has physical properties that allow it to be used for a wide variety of chemical, metallurgical and ceramic processes. It is also used to make lenses and ...
The uses and properties of the mineral Dolomite
To enhance the performance of its optical lens elements, Nikon employs an exclusive multilayer lens coating that helps reduce ghost and flare to a negligible level.
Fluorine is a relatively new element in human applications. In ancient times, only minor uses of fluorinecontaining minerals existed. The industrial use of fluorite ...
Titanium is a very important metal that was discovered back in 1791. Here are some of the more common uses of titanium in the world today.
Are you new to the wonderful world of crystals? Has something drawn you to them, and do you have an incredible urge to collect as many as possible, but have no idea ...
Lime (Burnt lime, quicklime) Aerated Concrete Blocks Quicklime is mixed with cement, sand, water and aluminium powder to give a slurry which rises and
Aluminum (spelled aluminium in most parts of the world) is a metal that is important in a variety of different industries. This post will look at some of the
Fluorite (also called fluorspar) is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, CaF 2. It belongs to the halide minerals. It crystallizes in isometric cubic habit, although ...
How we use and depend on rocks and minerals every day to maintain our standard of living.
Note: On this chart, a radioactive element is called longlived if the halflife of any of its isotopes is more than one year; otherwise it is called shortlived.