Official Publications: Research Expertise and Publications ...
Research Publications. Below are links to annual collections listing all of the research publications produced at The University of Western Australia from 1993 to 2012.
Research Publications. Below are links to annual collections listing all of the research publications produced at The University of Western Australia from 1993 to 2012.
American Axel Company Enrique Canuto Gustavo Angeles Jesus Alberto Esquivel Jose Alfredo Conejo Salazar Jose Francisco Ramirez Jose Ismael Martinez
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First draft prepared by Dr Zoltán Adamis, József Fodor National Center for Public Health, National Institute of Chemical Safety, Budapest, Hungary; and Dr Richard B ...
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REVIEW . Soil health: looking for suitable indicators. What should be considered to assess the effects of use and management on soil health? Elke Jurandy Bran ...
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Saar, Ferdinand von ¶ Sämtliche Werke 9: Novellen aus Österreich III Leutnant Burda / Seligmann Hirsch / Die Troglodytin / Ginevra / Geschichte eines Wienerkindes ...
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Georgia Tech''s David Hu, the lead author of the study, along with coauthor Craig Tovey, a professor in the Stewart School of Industrial Systems Engineering ...
Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Slower oxidative ...
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